Luxury Car Service in New York City.

Take a Tour of Manhattan, Book a Limo or Car Service.

Manhattan is considered by many to be the most beautiful city in the world, home to an excellent selection of shopping, dining, and entertainment for every traveler to enjoy, along with plenty of transportation in Manhattan to help you get around.

Public transit and taxi’s may seem like the best options, however if you’re looking to choose a more reliable transportation service then make sure you book a limo or car service to or from New York City!

Limo and car services to or from New York City provide an fantastic collection of luxury vehicles, experienced chauffeurs, responsive booking systems, and reliable transportation at affordable prices.

What are the rates for a limo or car service to or from New York City?

Prices for a limo or car service to or from New York City will change based on specific pick up and drop off locations, general prices for a car service to or from Midtown will be as follows.

Vehicle ClassMidtown – Lower ManhattanMidtown – Upper ManhattanMidtown – WilliamsburgMidtown – Downtown Brooklyn
LUX Sedan$117.99$131.31$129.90$133.34
LUX SUV 6$136.50$153.42$151.63$156.00
LUX SUV 7$148.25$166.97$165.00$169.83
Prices will vary depending on specific locations.